ПОМОГИТЕ ПОЖАЛУЙСТА!!! ДАЮ 20 БАЛЛОВ!!! 1) Напиши, как ты относишься к следующим занятиям: being a blogger, shopping, watching films, making clips for Tik-Tok, singing, playing Minecraft, с пояснениями. (Можно выбрать свои занятия). 2) Используй слова: like, enjoy, hate, my cup of tea, the best pastime ever, I am fond of … Каждое выражение один раз. 3) Пример: Being a blogger is not my cup of tea because I have nothing to share with other people

Вопрос школьника по предмету Английский язык


1) Напиши, как ты относишься
к следующим занятиям: being a
blogger, shopping, watching
films, making clips for Tik-Tok,
singing, playing Minecraft, с
пояснениями. (Можно выбрать
свои занятия).
2) Используй слова: like, enjoy,
hate, my cup of tea, the best
pastime ever, I am fond of …
Каждое выражение один раз.
3) Пример: Being a blogger is
not my cup of tea because I have
nothing to share with other

Ответ учителя по предмету Английский язык

shopping is not my cup of tea because i think the planet is already full of useless things that people buy in huge quantities.

i enjoy watching films because in each film the director shows his own individual vision of the world.

i hate making clips for tik-tok because it’s a useless activity for people who have nothing to do.

i like sing when no one is at home.

I’m not fond of playing minecraft because I don’t like computer games.

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