Read and write the Nunber:::::: 1. Yesterday was Sunday and Bobby helped his parents.2. Firist he walked to the supermarket 3. Next he washed the dishes 4. He played with his baby brother. 5. Then he clened his shoes 6. Then he phoned Adermy 7. Finally they went to the park 8. They wtched the duck

Вопрос школьника по предмету Английский язык

Read and write the Nunber:::::: 1. Yesterday was Sunday and Bobby helped his parents.2. Firist he walked to the supermarket 3. Next he washed the dishes 4. He played with his baby brother. 5. Then he clened his shoes 6. Then he phoned Adermy 7. Finally they went to the park 8. They wtched the duck

Ответ учителя по предмету Английский язык

1.Yesterday was Sunday and Bobby helped his parents.

2.First he walked to the supermarket.

3.Next he washed the dishes

4.He played with his baby brother

5. Then he phoned Adermy

6. Then he cleaned his shoes

7.. Finally they went to the park

8.They watched the duck

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