Introduction (вступление): what healthy habits you know and what the most important are ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ Main body (основная часть): ________ is good for your_________ Example ___________ makes better__________ Example _________________ improves and you feel ________________Example ______________ is good for your ______________ Example __________________ Conclusion (заключение): give your own opinion why healthy habits are important in a human life. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Пж помогите предлож составте 10

Вопрос школьника по предмету Английский язык

Introduction (вступление): what healthy habits you know and what the most important are
Main body (основная часть):
________ is good for your_________ Example ___________ makes better__________ Example _________________ improves and you feel ________________Example ______________ is good for your ______________ Example __________________
Conclusion (заключение): give your own opinion why healthy habits are important in a human life. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Пж помогите предлож составте 10

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