II. Put in ‘the or nothing.1. _New York has a population of 16 million people.2. What’s the population of _Ukraine?3. Yangtze is the longest river in Asia.4. The largest lake in_North America is _Lake Superior.5. The capital of India is New Deli.6. The highest mountain in Africa is Kilimanjaro,​

Вопрос школьника по предмету Английский язык

II. Put in ‘the or nothing.
1. _New York has a population of 16 million people.
2. What’s the population of _Ukraine?
3. Yangtze is the longest river in Asia.
4. The largest lake in_North America is _Lake Superior.
5. The capital of India is New Deli.
6. The highest mountain in Africa is Kilimanjaro,​

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