hotel, full board, sightseeing tour, vacation, discover, extreme sports, booking, abroad, mountaineering, leisure, camp, advertising из этих слов сделать 7 предложений, дою 12 балов. СРОЧНО!!!!!!!!

Вопрос школьника по предмету Английский язык

hotel, full board, sightseeing tour, vacation, discover, extreme sports, booking, abroad, mountaineering, leisure, camp, advertising из этих слов сделать 7 предложений, дою 12 балов. СРОЧНО!!!!!!!!

Ответ учителя по предмету Английский язык


1. Nearby hotel has a free room.

2.My friend loves extreme sports

3.What are your plans for leisure?

4. I want to book a table.

5. My family wants to go to the sightseeing tour.

6.John will not be back from camp yet.

7. Your friend discovers stones of different breeds, doesn’t he?

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