Exercise 3. Choose the correct verb from the box Meet – return – keep – make(x2) – spend – give(x2) – leave – go — speak 1. Don’t be worried about ……… a complaint if goods or services do not ………. your expectations. 2. Some stores ……. a discount to regular customers. 3. If you tend to ……… too much money, always ……… a shopping list before going out to the shops. 4. If you go to a supermarket towards the end of a day, there are often lots of items ……….. cheap. 5. If a shop assistant refuses to ……….. you a refund, ask to ………. to the manager. 6. Always …….. a receipt, in case you are dissatisfied with the item. 7. If you want to ……… an item, you should do this as soon as possible. 8. When you buy something online, always ………. Feedback because it helps other buyers.

Вопрос школьника по предмету Английский язык

Exercise 3. Choose the correct verb from the box

Meet – return – keep – make(x2) – spend – give(x2) – leave – go — speak

1. Don’t be worried about ……… a complaint if goods or services do not ………. your
2. Some stores ……. a discount to regular customers.
3. If you tend to ……… too much money, always ……… a shopping list before going out to the
4. If you go to a supermarket towards the end of a day, there are often lots of items ……….. cheap.
5. If a shop assistant refuses to ……….. you a refund, ask to ………. to the manager.
6. Always …….. a receipt, in case you are dissatisfied with the item.
7. If you want to ……… an item, you should do this as soon as possible.
8. When you buy something online, always ………. Feedback because it helps other buyers.

Ответ учителя по предмету Английский язык

leave, meet, give, spend, go, make, give, speak, keep, return, make

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