Ex.4  Write questions in past simple.

When yo went running?
What she did on holidays?
What tean won the match?
When was the last olympic games?
Where they played badminton?

 Ex.5 Match the answers below to the questions in exercise 4
1)  When you went running?    2)  What she did on holidays?  3)  What team won the match?  4) When was the last olympic games?   5) Where they played badminton?

Вопрос школьника по предмету Английский язык

Ex.4  Write questions in past simple.

When yo went running?
What she did on holidays?
What tean won the match?
When was the last olympic games?
Where they played badminton?

 Ex.5 Match the answers below to the questions in exercise 4
1)  When you went running?    2)  What she did on holidays?  3)  What team won the match?  4) When was the last olympic games?   5) Where they played badminton?

Ответ учителя по предмету Английский язык

When did you go running?
What did she do on holidays?
What team did win the match?
When was the last olympic games

Where did they play badminton?

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