Ex.4 Which form is correct? (Present Participle or Past Participle) 1. I am very (interested/interesting) in history 2. The party was (boring/bored) 3. I was (bored/boring) to death. 4. The (barking/bared) dog kept us awake at night. 5. Did you see Justin (dancing/danced) ? 6. (Run/Running) away from the castle, Cinderella lost a shoe. 7. History is very (interesting/interested). 8. The car race was (excited/exciting) 9. (Excited/Exciting) about their birthday party, the girls could not sleep. 10. He was sitting on the floor (playing/played) the guitar.

Вопрос школьника по предмету Английский язык

Ex.4 Which form is correct? (Present Participle or Past Participle)
1. I am very (interested/interesting) in history
2. The party was (boring/bored)
3. I was (bored/boring) to death.
4. The (barking/bared) dog kept us awake at night.
5. Did you see Justin (dancing/danced) ?
6. (Run/Running) away from the castle, Cinderella lost a shoe.
7. History is very (interesting/interested).
8. The car race was (excited/exciting)
9. (Excited/Exciting) about their birthday party, the girls could not sleep.
10. He was sitting on the floor (playing/played) the guitar.

Ответ учителя по предмету Английский язык


1. I am very interested in history

2. The party was boring

3. I was bored to death.

4. The barking dog kept us awake at night.

5. Did you see Justin dancing ?

6. Running away from the castle, Cinderella lost a shoe.

7. History is very interesting.

8. The car race was exciting

9. Excited about their birthday party, the girls could not sleep.

10. He was sitting on the floor playing the guitar.


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