Complete the sentences. Use the words: are proud of, worth, are tired of, are full of, films, publish, characters of history and art, cross, British people,
1. Have you read «Robinson Crusoe» by Daniel Defoe? It`s _____________________ reading.
2. Sir W. Churchill was a famous politician
3. London`s parks _________________________ trees, grass, flowers and water.
4. «Lollipop Ladies» help children to _____________________the street.
5. The scientist couldn’t ___________________________________his works for a long time.
6. Who lives in Great Britain? british people__________________________live in the UK.
7. Charlie Chaplin is famous for his_______________________________________ .
8. Londoners _________________________their parks.
9. My parents _____________________the noisy city. They want to go to the country next week.
10. You can meet great _________________________________________at Madame Tussaud’s museum.
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Вопрос школьника по предмету Английский язык

Complete the sentences. Use the words: are proud of, worth, are tired of, are full of, films, publish, characters of history and art, cross, British people,
1. Have you read «Robinson Crusoe» by Daniel Defoe? It`s _____________________ reading.
2. Sir W. Churchill was a famous politician
3. London`s parks _________________________ trees, grass, flowers and water.
4. «Lollipop Ladies» help children to _____________________the street.
5. The scientist couldn’t ___________________________________his works for a long time.
6. Who lives in Great Britain? british people__________________________live in the UK.
7. Charlie Chaplin is famous for his_______________________________________ .
8. Londoners _________________________their parks.
9. My parents _____________________the noisy city. They want to go to the country next week.
10. You can meet great _________________________________________at Madame Tussaud’s museum.
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Ответ учителя по предмету Английский язык

1. worth


3.are full of



6. British people.


8.are proud of

9.are tired of

10.characters of history and art.

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