Answer the questions Questions: work alone to read the text again and choose the correct answers. • Read out the information in the FACT! Box. 1.Guess what percentage of secondary school students ride bikes to school? 2.What other means of transport they use to get to school? 3.Find two other nouns with the suffix –ist. Помогите с английсским пожалуйста !!!!! Срочно даю 30 балл.

Вопрос школьника по предмету Английский язык

Answer the questions Questions: work alone to read the text again and
choose the correct answers.
• Read out the information in the FACT! Box.
1.Guess what percentage of secondary school students ride bikes to school?
2.What other means of transport they use to get to school?
3.Find two other nouns with
the suffix –ist.
Помогите с английсским пожалуйста !!!!! Срочно даю 30 балл.

Ответ учителя по предмету Английский язык




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