add question tags to these sentences:
4. Pamela enjoys playing basketball, ___
5.Her friend Tom doesn’t play basketball, ___
6. Tom is the star forward in the school soccer time, ___
7. Tom’s team won the championships three years in a row, ___
8. Many of Pamela’s friends are acting in the school druma club, ___

Вопрос школьника по предмету Английский язык

add question tags to these sentences:
4. Pamela enjoys playing basketball, ___
5.Her friend Tom doesn’t play basketball, ___
6. Tom is the star forward in the school soccer time, ___
7. Tom’s team won the championships three years in a row, ___
8. Many of Pamela’s friends are acting in the school druma club, ___

Ответ учителя по предмету Английский язык

4. Pamela enjoys playing basketball, DOESN’T SHE ?

5.Her friend Tom doesn’t play basketball, DOES HE ?

6. Tom is the star forward in the school soccer time, ISN’T HE ?

7. Tom’s team won the championships three years in a row, DIDN’T IT ?

8. Many of Pamela’s friends are acting in the school druma club, AREN’T THEY?

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