4. Open the brackets using the appropriate form of the pronoun.
1. Kate lef t (her/hers) gloves on the bench.
2. This is (my/mine) house and (him/his/he) is next to (my/mine).
3. — What is (your/yours) name?
Ann and (your/yours) ?
4. These books are (our/ours).

Вопрос школьника по предмету Английский язык

4. Open the brackets using the appropriate form of the pronoun.
1. Kate lef t (her/hers) gloves on the bench.
2. This is (my/mine) house and (him/his/he) is next to (my/mine).
3. — What is (your/yours) name?
Ann and (your/yours) ?
4. These books are (our/ours).

Ответ учителя по предмету Английский язык

1. her.

2. my…his.

3. your….yours.

4. ours. 

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