1. Yesterday it was….(cloudy) than it is today.2. I think frogs are one of the……(ugly) animals in the world.3. I think rainforests are…..(interesting) places than oceans.4. The temperature in Spain is _ (high) than in Norway.5………..(dangerous) insect in the rainforest is probably the mosquito.​

Вопрос школьника по предмету Английский язык

1. Yesterday it was….(cloudy) than it is today.
2. I think frogs are one of the……(ugly) animals in the world.
3. I think rainforests are…..(interesting) places than oceans.
4. The temperature in Spain is
_ (high) than in Norway.
5………..(dangerous) insect in the rainforest is probably the mosquito.​

Ответ учителя по предмету Английский язык



1. Cloudyer

2. ugliest

3. more interesting

4. higher

5. The most dangerous

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