Раскрой скобки, употребив глагол в нужной форме, и запиши его в ответе. 1) He ( go) to the theatre with us last week. 2) She ( not get up) early in the morning. 3) Pupils ( have) test tomorrow. 4) It ( be) spring now. Ответ:__1-_______________________________________________ ______________ 2-_______________________________________________ 3- _______________________________________________ _______ 4- _______________________________________________ . Вставь вместо пропусков was или were. Our grandparents lived in the country. There _____ a large forest not far from their house. There _____ many mushrooms and berries in the forest. There _____ also many animals and plants in the forest. There _____ a small lake behindthehouse.

Вопрос школьника по предмету Английский язык

Раскрой скобки, употребив глагол в нужной форме, и запиши его в
1) He ( go) to the theatre with us last week.
2) She ( not get up) early in the morning.
3) Pupils ( have) test tomorrow.
4) It ( be) spring now.
______________ 2-_______________________________________________
3- _______________________________________________
_______ 4- _______________________________________________

. Вставь вместо пропусков was или were.
Our grandparents lived in the country. There _____ a large forest not far from
their house. There _____ many mushrooms and berries in the forest. There
_____ also many animals and plants in the forest. There _____ a small lake

Ответ учителя по предмету Английский язык

1) He (went) to the theatre with us last week.
2) She (does not get up) early in the morning.
3) Pupils (will have) test tomorrow.
4) It (is) spring now.
Our grandparents lived in the country. There

was a large forest not far from
their house. There

were many mushrooms and berries in the forest. There

were also many animals and plants in the forest. There
was a small lake
behind the house.

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