Поставте у питальнійі заперечній формі
1. You meet him every day.
2. His mother teaches geography at school.
3. Tom’s father worked at a plant 10 years ago.
4. Ann broke the window yesterday.
5. I will ring you up tomorrow.
6. Bill has already read this chapter.
7. They were waiting for the director 20 minutes yesterday.

Вопрос школьника по предмету Английский язык

Поставте у питальнійі заперечній формі
1. You meet him every day.
2. His mother teaches geography at school.
3. Tom’s father worked at a plant 10 years ago.
4. Ann broke the window yesterday.
5. I will ring you up tomorrow.
6. Bill has already read this chapter.
7. They were waiting for the director 20 minutes yesterday.

Ответ учителя по предмету Английский язык

1. Do you meet him every day?

2. Does his mother teach Geography at school?

3. Did Tom’s father work at a plant 10 years ago?

4.Did Ann break the window yesterday?

5. Will you ring me up tomorrow?

6. Has Bill read this chapter yet?

7. Were they waiting for the director 20 minutes yesterday?

1. You don’t meet him every day.

2. His mother doesn’t teach Geography at school.

3. Tom’s father didn’t work at a plant 10 years ago.

4. Ann didn’t break the window yesterday.

5. I will not ring you up tomorrow.

6. Bill has not read this chapter yet.

7. They were not waiting for the director 20 minutes yesterday.

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