помогите плиз! 4. Put the verb from bracket in Past Continuous. — He ___________________________ on the coach. (sleep) — Mavis ___________________________ a horse when she broke her arm. (not ride) — Who ______ Mary _________________? (question) — We ___________________________ to the radio yesterday morning. (listen) — I ___________________________ when you wake me up. (not dream) — How many apples _______ he _________________ from 2 to 4? (eat)

Вопрос школьника по предмету Английский язык

помогите плиз!

4. Put the verb from bracket in Past Continuous.

— He ___________________________ on the coach. (sleep)
— Mavis ___________________________ a horse when she broke her arm. (not ride)
— Who ______ Mary _________________? (question)
— We ___________________________ to the radio yesterday morning. (listen)
— I ___________________________ when you wake me up. (not dream)
— How many apples _______ he _________________ from 2 to 4? (eat)

Ответ учителя по предмету Английский язык

Was sleeping

Wasn’t riding

Were Mary questioning?

Wasn’t dreaming

Was he eating

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