пожалуйста помогите.
Найдите ошибки.
1.You don’t can go to the party.
2.He musts take his dog for a walk.
3.I can to help you.
4.He not must be late.
5.Can his brothrr speaks French ?
6.Paul must to go there.
7.You don’t must smoke here.

Вопрос школьника по предмету Английский язык

пожалуйста помогите.
Найдите ошибки.
1.You don’t can go to the party.
2.He musts take his dog for a walk.
3.I can to help you.
4.He not must be late.
5.Can his brothrr speaks French ?
6.Paul must to go there.
7.You don’t must smoke here.

Ответ учителя по предмету Английский язык

1. you can’t go to the party

2. He must take his dog for a walk.

3. I can help you

4. He mustn’t be late

5. can his brother speak French?

6. Paul must go there

7. You mustn’t smoke here.

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