Напишите в тетрадь синонимы к выражениям 1 To return- 2 To stop trying – 3 To reveal a secret- 4 To distribute the tests- 5 To give the textbooks because you no longer want them-

Вопрос школьника по предмету Английский язык

Напишите в тетрадь синонимы к выражениям 1 To return- 2 To stop trying – 3 To reveal a secret- 4 To distribute the tests- 5 To give the textbooks because you no longer want them-

Ответ учителя по предмету Английский язык

To return — to give back/ get back/ go back.

To stop crying — to stop screaming/ to stop weeping.

To reveal a secret — to not keep a secret/ to tell a secret.

To distribute the tests — to post the tests/ to sort the tests.

To give the textbooks because you no longer want them — to get rid of textbooks.

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