Вставить модульные глаголы (can, must,may) Who…answer my questions?… I attend this meeting?-No, you needn’t. You …show your notes to the teacher. …I leave for a while?-Yes you… . She … be more attentive to her parents. … I have my bill?-Yes, you… . We … meet at 7 o’clock, as we planned before. Mary… cook well. You … some in time.

Вопрос школьника по предмету Английский язык

Вставить модульные глаголы (can, must,may) Who…answer my questions?… I attend this meeting?-No, you needn’t. You …
show your notes to the teacher. …I leave for a while?-Yes you… . She … be more attentive to her parents. … I have my bill?-Yes, you… . We … meet at 7 o’clock, as we planned before. Mary… cook well. You … some in time.

Ответ учителя по предмету Английский язык

Who can answer my questions? Must I attend this meeting? — No, you needn’t. You may show your notes to the teacher. Can I leave for a while? — Yes you may. She must be more attentive to her parents. Can I have my bill? — Yes, you may. We may meet at 7 o’clock, as we planned before. Mary can cook well. You … some in time. (?)

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