как описать и внешность буратино на английском языке с переводом

Вопрос школьника по предмету Английский язык

как описать и внешность буратино на английском языке с переводом

Ответ учителя по предмету Английский язык

The wood was a child with a long nose of indeterminate age, which is uncomfortable and even scary in black and white, spiky world where crooks and criminals.

B. deceives his father Carlo and instead of school is sent to the puppet theatre; allows the Cat and the Fox make a fool of yourself, not listening to his warning about the danger of bird Scops Owl; and then says saved him from the death of Malvina. The breakthrough came after a meeting with a turtle Tortilla. She opens her eyes to who he really is: «You are a brainless, gullible boy with short thoughts! «Lost money, barely escaped so many dangers, the hero is forced to agree with tortilla. From this moment the story starts growing up B. Now he is no longer the headstrong boy, what was at the beginning. His courage and mischief B. sends to the channel, useful for him and his friends (forcing, for example, Karabas Barabas to run him around the tree, to the long beard pursuer screw on the barrel) . At the risk of being caught, vyvodyat B. Karabas secret Golden Key: he now knows that the door, which can open the key is in the closet Pope Carlo. Finally, B. is aware of how important it is to have friends and what happiness it is to save them from certain death. So step by step, the hero becomes more tolerant and kind, while remaining the same cheerful and prompt.

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