Выберите правильную форму причастия, подчеркните ее. Пример: A word (spoken, speaking) in time may have very important results. 1. He walked out of the room without (saying, said) goodbye. 2. We took a taxi after (leaving, left) the party. 3. Everything what is (spoken, speaking) here is extremely important.4. The girl (buying, bought) those books is my wife. 5. I think that tall man (walking, walked) there is his brother. 6. “How did you like the food?” asked Paul, (paid, paying) the bill. 7. The bus (driven, driving) by Tom Smith drove past them without stopping8. The car moved forward and crashed into a shop window, (causing, caused) thousands of pounds of damage. 9. The fish (cooking, cooked) by my granny is always very delicious.10. Here is the key (taking, taken) at the receptionist.

Вопрос школьника по предмету Английский язык

Выберите правильную форму причастия, подчеркните ее.
Пример: A word (spoken, speaking) in time may have very important results.

1. He walked out of the room without (saying, said) goodbye.

2. We took a taxi after (leaving, left) the party.

3. Everything what is (spoken, speaking) here is extremely important.

4. The girl (buying, bought) those books is my wife.

5. I think that tall man (walking, walked) there is his brother.

6. “How did you like the food?” asked Paul, (paid, paying) the bill.

7. The bus (driven, driving) by Tom Smith drove past them without stopping

8. The car moved forward and crashed into a shop window, (causing, caused) thousands of pounds of damage.

9. The fish (cooking, cooked) by my granny is always very delicious.

10. Here is the key (taking, taken) at the receptionist.

Ответ учителя по предмету Английский язык

Выберите правильную форму причастия или герундия, подчеркните ее.

Пример: A word (spoken, speaking) in time may have very important results.

1. He walked out of the room without (saying, said) goodbye.

2. We took a taxi after (leaving, left) the party.

3. Everything what is (spoken, speaking) here is extremely important.

4. The girl (buying, bought) those books is my wife.

5. I think that tall man (walking, walked) there is his brother.

6. “How did you like the food?” asked Paul, (paid, paying) the bill.

7. The bus (driven, driving) by Tom Smith drove past them without stopping.

8. The car moved forward and crashed into a shop window, (causing, caused) thousands of pounds of damage.

9. The fish (cooking, cooked) by my granny is always very delicious.

10. Here is the key (taking, taken) at the receptionist.

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