Вставь в пропуски а/ап, some, any, much, many6) There is …. banana in the box.7) Are there …. potatoes? — Yes, but not8) There are …. orange juice. but there aren’t milk. or:9) How ….. rice have we got? — Not10) I have got …. apple. What have you got​

Вопрос школьника по предмету Английский язык

Вставь в пропуски а/ап, some, any, much, many

6) There is …. banana in the box.

7) Are there …. potatoes? — Yes, but not

8) There are …. orange juice. but there aren’t milk. or:

9) How ….. rice have we got? — Not

10) I have got …. apple. What have you got​

Ответ учителя по предмету Английский язык


6) a

7) any

8) some, any

9) much

10) an


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