Вставить слова в предложения Who is taller than …? Who`s got longer hair than …? Who`s got smaller feet than …? Who`s is older than …? Слова⇒(tall, fat, short, long, small, kind,nice, old)

Вопрос школьника по предмету Английский язык

Вставить слова в предложения
Who is taller than …?
Who`s got longer hair than …?
Who`s got smaller feet than …?
Who`s is older than …?
Слова⇒(tall, fat, short, long, small, kind,nice, old)

Ответ учителя по предмету Английский язык

Who is taller than Piglet?  

Winnie‑the‑Pooh is.

Who’s got longer hair than the two elder sisters (или the two ugly sisters)?

Cinderella has.

Who’s got smaller feet than the two elder sisters?

Cinderella has. She has got smaller feet than the two elder sisters.

Who’s is older than Cinderella?

The two elder sisters are older than Cinderella.

Who’s fatter than Rabbit?

Winnie‑the‑Pooh is. Winnie‑the‑Pooh is fatter than Rabbit.

Who’s shorter than Winnie‑the‑Pooh?

Piglet is.

Who’s kinder than the two elder sisters?

Cinderella is kinder than the two elder sisters.

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