What is the weather like in these places now?

Вопрос школьника по предмету Английский язык

What is the weather like in these places now?

Ответ учителя по предмету Английский язык

1) It is snowing heavily in Moscow, Helsinki and Oslo.

2) It is raining heavily in Paris, Berlin and Venice.

3) It is shining brightly in Madrid, Rome and Kiev.

4) The temperature in Oslo is 5 degrees below zero

The temperature in Helsinki is 12 degrees below zero

The temperature in Moscow is 10 degrees below zero

The temperature in Berlin is 3 degrees above zero

The temperature in Kiev is 7 degrees above zero

The temperature in Paris is 5 degrees above zero

The temperature in Venice is 10 degrees above zero

The temperature in Madrid  is 15 degrees above zero

The temperature in Rome is 12 degrees above zero

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