What do the people below have to or don’t have to/needn’t do when going on holiday.
1. I HAVE TO pack my suitcase
2. Peter …………… study for school
3. Bob and Sally …………. turn all the lights off
4. We …………. wake up early
5. They ………… close the windows
6. My brother and I ………… water the plants
7. Sue …………. empty the fridge
8. You …………. lock all doors

Вопрос школьника по предмету Английский язык

What do the people below have to or don’t have to/needn’t do when going on holiday.
1. I HAVE TO pack my suitcase
2. Peter …………… study for school
3. Bob and Sally …………. turn all the lights off
4. We …………. wake up early
5. They ………… close the windows
6. My brother and I ………… water the plants
7. Sue …………. empty the fridge
8. You …………. lock all doors

Ответ учителя по предмету Английский язык

1. I HAVE TO pack my suitcase.
2. Peter needn’t study for school.
3. Bob and Sally have to turn all the lights off.
4. We needn’t wake up early.
5. They have to close the windows.
6. My brother and I needn’t water the plants.
7. Sue has to empty the fridge.
8. You have to lock all doors.

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