V. Поставьте наречия на соответствующее место в предложении: 1. He’s been to London, (never) 2. Have you bought this book? (yet) 3. They’ve gone for a walk, (just) 4. She has done well, (lately) 5. Have you swum in the sea? (ever) 6. The children have not got up. (yet) 7. Has it got light? (yet) 8. Who’s telephoned you? (just)

Вопрос школьника по предмету Английский язык

V. Поставьте наречия на соответствующее место в предложении: 1. He’s been to London, (never) 2. Have you bought this book? (yet) 3. They’ve gone for a walk, (just) 4. She has done well, (lately) 5. Have you swum in the sea? (ever) 6. The children have not got up. (yet) 7. Has it got light? (yet) 8. Who’s telephoned you? (just)

Ответ учителя по предмету Английский язык

He’s never been

..this book yet

They’ve just gone


Have you ever swum

..got up yet

..light yet

Who’s just telephoned

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