This boy plays football. English people stay at this hotel. The boy swims to the big rock every day. The woman eats ices. The man drink tea and coffee сделать вопросительную

Вопрос школьника по предмету Английский язык

This boy plays football. English people stay at this hotel. The boy swims to the big rock every day. The woman eats ices. The man drink tea and coffee сделать вопросительную

Ответ учителя по предмету Английский язык

Do this boy plays football? Do English people stay at this hotel? Does the boy swim to the big rock every day? Does the woman eats ices? Does the man drink tea and coffee?

Which game does this boy play? Where do English people stay? When does the boy usually swim? What does the woman eat? Which drink does the man drink?

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