They (read/ are reading) the book now. (A/ The/— )children have got a lot of (book /books
ted( like /likes /)cakes. his mother often( make /makes /to make /is making )
cakes. she (make /mkes /to make /is making )cakes now.

Вопрос школьника по предмету Английский язык

They (read/ are reading) the book now. (A/ The/— )children have got a lot of (book /books
ted( like /likes /)cakes. his mother often( make /makes /to make /is making )
cakes. she (make /mkes /to make /is making )cakes now.

Ответ учителя по предмету Английский язык

are reading,a,books,likes,make,is making

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