The History and Symbols of The Olympics ( ) Вопросы по видео: 1. When and where did the first Olympic Games take place? 2. In honor of which god were the Olympics held? 3. How often did the Olympic Games take place in the ancient times? 4. Why wars and battles were not allowed (не были разрешены) during the games? 5. Which event did the Olympic Games originally have? 6. What events were added through the years? 7. Were women allowed to compete in the ancient Olympics? 8. What did the winners get as an award? 9. When were the final games of the ancient Olympics held? 10. Who created the International Olympic Committee? 11. When did women first compete in the Olympics? 12. Which winter sports did the Olympics include (включали)? 13. Are the modern Olympics held in the same place each time? 14. What do the victors (победители) receive in the modern Olympics? 15. What medal does the first/second/third place get? 16. What are the other important symbols of the Olympics? 17. What is the most important thing in the Olympic Games?

Вопрос школьника по предмету Английский язык

The History and Symbols of The Olympics
( )

Вопросы по видео:
1. When and where did the first Olympic Games take place?
2. In honor of which god were the Olympics held?
3. How often did the Olympic Games take place in the ancient times?
4. Why wars and battles were not allowed (не были разрешены) during the
5. Which event did the Olympic Games originally have?
6. What events were added through the years?
7. Were women allowed to compete in the ancient Olympics?
8. What did the winners get as an award?
9. When were the final games of the ancient Olympics held?
10. Who created the International Olympic Committee?
11. When did women first compete in the Olympics?
12. Which winter sports did the Olympics include (включали)?
13. Are the modern Olympics held in the same place each time?
14. What do the victors (победители) receive in the modern Olympics?
15. What medal does the first/second/third place get?
16. What are the other important symbols of the Olympics?
17. What is the most important thing in the Olympic Games?

Ответ учителя по предмету Английский язык



1. When and where did the first Olympic Games take place?

The first Olympic Games took place in Greece in 776 BC.

2. In honor of which god were the Olympics held?


3. How often did the Olympic Games take place in the ancient times?

Every four years

4. Why wars and battles were not allowed (не были разрешены) during the games?

That athletics from different cities could travel safely to and from the games.

5. Which event did the Olympic Games originally have?

Short race across a stadium.

6. What events were added through the years?

Boxing,wrestling,long jump,throwing javelins and discus, and chariot racing.

7. Were women allowed to compete in the ancient Olympics?

Only men were allowed to complete.

8. What did the winners get as an award?

Wreath or crown of olive branches.

9. When were the final games of the ancient Olympics held?

The final games were held in 393 AD.

10. Who created the International Olympic Committee?

Baron Pierre de Coubertin.

11. When did women first compete in the Olympics?

In 1900.

12. Which winter sports did the Olympics include (включали)?

Skiing and figure skating.

13. Are the modern Olympics held in the same place each time?

Modern Olympics are held in different cities around the world.

14. What do the victors (победители) receive in the modern Olympics?

Victors receive medals.

15. What medal does the first/second/third place get?

first place — gold

second place — silver

third place — bronze

16. What are the other important symbols of the Olympics?

Olympic rings, olympic flame.

17. What is the most important thing in the Olympic Games?

The most important thing in the Olympic Games is not to win but to take part.

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