Task#1. Read and translate the text. SHOPS AND SHOPPING. In every town there are dozens of shops and going shopping is one of the most important of the housewife’s duties. Аn English woman, as a rule, deals with only one grocer, one butcher, one milkman and one baker. She may as well phone the butcher and grocer early in the morning and order what she wants. Then she doesn’t go the shops herself. She doesn’t pay each day but receives a bill each week. At the end of the week, on Saturday, there are several bills to pay. Sometimes a person sees something advertised in a newspaper or on television that he would like. He may write for it and ask to send it C.O.D. (cash or delivery). When the article arrives, he pays the postman. If the person has a banking account he generally pays by cheque. Going shopping is a pleasant experience for those who are well-off and can buy whatever they want. It is not so pleasant for a poorer person, who may have to leave the shop without many of things he would like to buy. In big shops the customer doesn’t pay the salesman or saleswoman, but takes the bill to the cash-desk and pays the cashier. In some shops there is a special department where they wrap up the purchases and hand them over to customers. Some big shops have a home-delivery service. There is a tendency in England and America for small shops to disappear. They’re eaten up by the big firms, who have branches all over the country. English people regret the disappearance of small shops. But big shops are very useful to the public. They have a large variety of goods and sell at reasonable prices. I am sorry for the small shopkeepers. Being your own master is different from having to take orders from another, isn’t it? Task#2. Choose the right option. 1. One of most important duties of an English housewife is: a) cooking regular meals b) going shopping c) paying the bills 2. An English woman as a rule deals with a) one shopkeeper in a particular time b) different shopkeepers c) big supermarkets 3. A person has to pay for the purchase a)only in cash b) only by cheque с) either in cash or by cheque 4. Going shopping is a pleasant experience for a) well-off people b) any customer c) tourists 5. There is a tendency in England and in America for the disappearance of a) big shops b) small shops c)supermarkets

Вопрос школьника по предмету Английский язык

Task#1. Read and translate the text.


In every town there are dozens of shops and going shopping is one of the most important of the housewife’s duties. Аn English woman, as a rule, deals with only one grocer, one butcher, one milkman and one baker. She may as well phone the butcher and grocer early in the morning and order what she wants. Then she doesn’t go the shops herself. She doesn’t pay each day but receives a bill each week. At the end of the week, on Saturday, there are several bills to pay.

Sometimes a person sees something advertised in a newspaper or on television that he would like. He may write for it and ask to send it C.O.D. (cash or delivery). When the article arrives, he pays the postman. If the person has a banking account he generally pays by cheque.

Going shopping is a pleasant experience for those who are well-off and can buy whatever they want. It is not so pleasant for a poorer person, who may have to leave the shop without many of things he would like to buy. In big shops the customer doesn’t pay the salesman or saleswoman, but takes the bill to the cash-desk and pays the cashier. In some shops there is a special department where they wrap up the purchases and hand them over to customers. Some big shops have a home-delivery service.

There is a tendency in England and America for small shops to disappear. They’re eaten up by the big firms, who have branches all over the country. English people regret the disappearance of small shops.

But big shops are very useful to the public. They have a large variety of goods and sell at reasonable prices.

I am sorry for the small shopkeepers. Being your own master is different from having to take orders from another, isn’t it?

Task#2. Choose the right option.

1. One of most important duties of an English housewife is:

a) cooking regular meals

b) going shopping

c) paying the bills

2. An English woman as a rule deals with

a) one shopkeeper in a particular time

b) different shopkeepers

c) big supermarkets

3. A person has to pay for the purchase

a)only in cash

b) only by cheque

с) either in cash or by cheque

4. Going shopping is a pleasant experience for

a) well-off people

b) any customer

c) tourists

5. There is a tendency in England and in America for the disappearance of

a) big shops

b) small shops c)supermarkets

Ответ учителя по предмету Английский язык

task 1:

В каждом городе есть десятки магазинов, и ходить за покупками — одна из самых важных обязанностей домохозяйки. Англичанка, как правило, имеет дело только с одним бакалейщиком, одним мясником, одним молочником и одним пекарем. С таким же успехом она могла бы позвонить мяснику и бакалейщику рано утром и заказать то, что ей нужно. Тогда она сама не ходит по магазинам. Она не платит каждый день, но получает счет каждую неделю. В конце недели, в субботу, нужно оплатить несколько счетов.

Иногда человек видит в газете или на телевидении рекламу того, что ему нравится. Он может написать для него и попросить прислать его C. O. D. (наличными или с доставкой). Когда приходит Статья, он платит почтальону. Если у человека есть банковский счет, он обычно платит чеком.

Поход по магазинам — это приятное занятие для тех, кто хорошо обеспечен и может купить все, что захочет. Это не так приятно для более бедного человека, которому, возможно, придется выйти из магазина без многих вещей, которые он хотел бы купить. В больших магазинах покупатель не платит продавцу или продавщице, а берет счет в кассу и расплачивается с кассиром. В некоторых магазинах есть специальный отдел, где они заворачивают покупки и передают их покупателям. В некоторых крупных магазинах есть служба доставки на дом.

В Англии и Америке существует тенденция к исчезновению небольших магазинов. Их съедают крупные фирмы, имеющие филиалы по всей стране. Англичане сожалеют об исчезновении маленьких магазинчиков.

task 2:

1. Одна из самых важных обязанностей английской домохозяйки — это:

а) приготовление обычных блюд

b) поход по магазинам +

c) оплата счетов

2. Англичанка, как правило, имеет дело с

а) одним лавочником в определенное время

b) разными владельцами магазинов +

c) большими супермаркетами

3. Человек должен заплатить за покупку

а) только наличными

b) только чеком

с) либо наличными, либо чеком +

4. Поход по магазинам — это приятное занятие для

а) обеспеченных людей +

b) любого клиента

c) туристов

5. В Англии и в Америке существует тенденция к исчезновению

a) крупных магазинов

b) небольших магазинов +

c) супермаркетов

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