Task 1. Choose the correct item.
1.Would you like some sparkling water? – No, I prefer still/fizzy.
2.Oily/Bitter chocolate is my weakness, but it’s unhealthy to it.
3.Nowadays there are a lot of kinds of additives/spices. They can be either natural or artificial.
4.Buying food is the only thing you can do for the greeding/starving and poor people.
5.I prefer to avoid using artificial/fake additives, they can consist monosodium glutamate.
6.To buy these pills you should get a recipe/prescription from your doctor.
7.Do you smell that something is sour/rotten? I think that it has got out of order.
8.Do you know the effectual remedy to cure/treat a slight cold?
9.When I broke my leg, I found the pain/ache unbearable.
Task 2. Fill in the gaps with the appropriate word.
Eyesight, infections, complain, grilled, rumbling, sprinkle
1.We make our own troubles and then we start to _______ of them.
2.Bilberry and carrots are good for your _________.
3.Taking different vitamins will help you to avoid flu and other infections.
4.If you find the soup undersalt, just sprinkle some.
5.______ food is healthier than fried.
6.I’m really hungry – my tummy is _______.
Task 3. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form.
1.If Mark ______(be) younger, he could join the army.
2.If you had locked the door, the burglars _______(not/get) in.
3.If you like Tom Cruise, you ______(love) this film.
4.If I were you, I _____(not/go) out in this weather.
5.Emily would have called me if she ______(change) her mind.
6.Unless you _______(go) to bed now, you ______(be) tired in the morning.
7.I wish I _______(practice) harder before the concert.
8.If only we _______(go) to France last summer.
9.If Steve ______(call), tell him I’ll be back in ten minutes.
Task 4. Fill in the appropriate preposition.
1.Have you given _______the computer that you take from the library?
2.Ryan has given ______on diets. He says they´re no good for anyone.
3.Many flowers give _____ an aroma that attract us and we use it to decorate our rooms.
4.New York Restoration Project will give ______hundreds of free trees to New Yorkers.
5.My uncle gave _______smoking after his father died of lung cancer.
6.I advise you _______ going on a crash diet.
7.The lack of physical training can result _______ health problems in future.

Вопрос школьника по предмету Английский язык

Task 1. Choose the correct item.
1.Would you like some sparkling water? – No, I prefer still/fizzy.
2.Oily/Bitter chocolate is my weakness, but it’s unhealthy to it.
3.Nowadays there are a lot of kinds of additives/spices. They can be either natural or artificial.
4.Buying food is the only thing you can do for the greeding/starving and poor people.
5.I prefer to avoid using artificial/fake additives, they can consist monosodium glutamate.
6.To buy these pills you should get a recipe/prescription from your doctor.
7.Do you smell that something is sour/rotten? I think that it has got out of order.
8.Do you know the effectual remedy to cure/treat a slight cold?
9.When I broke my leg, I found the pain/ache unbearable.
Task 2. Fill in the gaps with the appropriate word.
Eyesight, infections, complain, grilled, rumbling, sprinkle
1.We make our own troubles and then we start to _______ of them.
2.Bilberry and carrots are good for your _________.
3.Taking different vitamins will help you to avoid flu and other infections.
4.If you find the soup undersalt, just sprinkle some.
5.______ food is healthier than fried.
6.I’m really hungry – my tummy is _______.
Task 3. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form.
1.If Mark ______(be) younger, he could join the army.
2.If you had locked the door, the burglars _______(not/get) in.
3.If you like Tom Cruise, you ______(love) this film.
4.If I were you, I _____(not/go) out in this weather.
5.Emily would have called me if she ______(change) her mind.
6.Unless you _______(go) to bed now, you ______(be) tired in the morning.
7.I wish I _______(practice) harder before the concert.
8.If only we _______(go) to France last summer.
9.If Steve ______(call), tell him I’ll be back in ten minutes.
Task 4. Fill in the appropriate preposition.
1.Have you given _______the computer that you take from the library?
2.Ryan has given ______on diets. He says they´re no good for anyone.
3.Many flowers give _____ an aroma that attract us and we use it to decorate our rooms.
4.New York Restoration Project will give ______hundreds of free trees to New Yorkers.
5.My uncle gave _______smoking after his father died of lung cancer.
6.I advise you _______ going on a crash diet.
7.The lack of physical training can result _______ health problems in future.

Ответ учителя по предмету Английский язык

Task 1

1. still 2. bitter в последнем слове опечатка,я думаю должно быть eat  3. spices 4. starving 5. artificial (вполне может быть и fake) 6.
recipe (полная ерунда — синонимы и prescription тоже может быть) 7. rotten (кто это писал!!! про еду не говорят out of order!!!) 8. treat (боже! remedy не используют в значении лекарственных средств. а если вообще средство, то может быть и 
cure тоже) КТО ЭТО ПИСАЛ???? КАКОЙ ЭТО УЧЕБНИК??? 9. pain
Task 2 (с этим заданием что-то не так…..)
complain 2. eyesight  3. ? 4 ? 5. grilled 6. 
Task 3 
1. was 2. wouldn’t get in 3. you’ll love 4. shouldn’t go out  5. changes 6. go, will be 7. practiced (так не говорят! I wish I could practice!) 8. что это??? или не оконченное предложение или должно быть I wish we could go to . впиши went…… 9. calls
SORRY! это последнее задание я не в состоянии уразуметь.   

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