Read the dialogue and complete the words. Alia Hi Jake! I’m going to the beach with some friends this afternoon. 1 F _ n _ _ joining us? Jake I’d 2 l ike_ _ _ to, but I can’t. I’ve got a Saturday job and I’m working this afternoon. Alia Oh. 3 S _ _ m _. Jake Yeah, but we’re going for a pizza after work tonight. Why 4 d _ _ _ you come along? Alia OK, 5 c _ o _. Shall we meet at the pizzeria? Jake Yes. 6 S _ _ n _ _ good.

Вопрос школьника по предмету Английский язык

Read the dialogue and complete the words.
Alia Hi Jake! I’m going to the beach with some friends this afternoon. 1 F _ n _ _ joining us?
Jake I’d 2 l ike_ _ _ to, but I can’t. I’ve got a Saturday job and I’m working this afternoon.
Alia Oh. 3 S _ _ m _.
Jake Yeah, but we’re going for a pizza after work tonight. Why 4 d _ _ _ you come along?
Alia OK, 5 c _ o _. Shall we meet at the pizzeria?
Jake Yes. 6 S _ _ n _ _ good.

Ответ учителя по предмету Английский язык


1 fancy

2 like

3 shame

4 don’t

5 cool

6  ? не понятно сколько там слов


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