Put the words in the right lists sause biscuits rice viggieburger vegetables baked potato sausage peas sugar a/an ……………………………………… some+plural noun………………………………… some+uncountable noun……………………………………………

Вопрос школьника по предмету Английский язык

Put the words in the right lists sause biscuits rice viggieburger vegetables baked potato sausage peas sugar
a/an ………………………………………
some+plural noun…………………………………
some+uncountable noun……………………………………………

Ответ учителя по предмету Английский язык

A/an — a viggieburger, a sausage , baked potatoes

Some +plural noun- biscuits, vegetables , peas

Some+uncountable — sause, sugar, rice,

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