Nastenka is kinder than her stepsister. She is …. in the family. Her srepsister is ….than Nastenka. Ivan Tsarevich is…than Emelya. Sadko is the …singer in Novgorod.

Вопрос школьника по предмету Английский язык

Nastenka is kinder than her stepsister. She is …. in the family. Her srepsister is ….than Nastenka. Ivan Tsarevich is…than Emelya. Sadko is the …singer in Novgorod.

Ответ учителя по предмету Английский язык

Nastenka is kinder than her stepsister.
She is the most helpful in the family.

Her stepsister is lazier than Nastenka.

Ivan Tsarevich is braver than Emelya

Sadko is the most talented singer in Novgorod.

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