Match 1-10 with a-j to make up sentences:

1. They have plans to design a smaller submarine that could go into

2. By adjusting the production process, they were able

3. She is the manager of

4. Toshibs is increasing production of its popular line of

5. Assembly line operation is

6. Jobbing production is used

7. Hong kong imports of textiles are hurting

8. Companies must be able to launch new products quickly and

9. The company blamed the loss on higher costs and lower sales

10. Investors often find financial products increasingly complex and

A. Production

B. The account department.

C. Laptop computers

D. Do reduce the plant’s waste by two-thirds

E. US producers

F. An important feature of flow production

G. To produce prototype models

H. Alter existing ones

I. Of high-end products

J. Seek advice on how to buy and sell them

Вопрос школьника по предмету Английский язык

Match 1-10 with a-j to make up sentences:

1. They have plans to design a smaller submarine that could go into

2. By adjusting the production process, they were able

3. She is the manager of

4. Toshibs is increasing production of its popular line of

5. Assembly line operation is

6. Jobbing production is used

7. Hong kong imports of textiles are hurting

8. Companies must be able to launch new products quickly and

9. The company blamed the loss on higher costs and lower sales

10. Investors often find financial products increasingly complex and

A. Production

B. The account department.

C. Laptop computers

D. Do reduce the plant’s waste by two-thirds

E. US producers

F. An important feature of flow production

G. To produce prototype models

H. Alter existing ones

I. Of high-end products

J. Seek advice on how to buy and sell them

Ответ учителя по предмету Английский язык


2-d (TO reduce…)









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