Listening. Task. Listen and choose between A, B, C or D. Transcript for term 4 Have you ever thought how strange fashion is? People tell us what clothes to wear. That’s weird. Fashion stores tell us what is “in” this summer or this winter. People then buy the same clothes and look like everyone else because they want to feel trendy. The thing is, fashion is about being an individual, but then we all wear clothes that are the same as everyone else’s! Keeping up with fashion is expensive these days. Everyone is into brand fashion. Have you seen how much the most fashionable sneakers are? How can kids afford those? The craziest fashion is the luxury brands. People spend a month’s salary, or more, on a handbag or watch. That’s crazy. I’m happy with an unknown brand at half the price. I don’t mind being unfashionable.Example: 0.What places tell us what is ‘in’ and ‘out’ this summer? A)shops     B)newspapers         C)magazines         D)TV    1. According to the speaker fashion is A) silly         B) strange         C) fantastic         D) boring         [1]     2. According to the speaker who tells us about fashion. A) sportsmen     B) government         C) celebrities         D) people         [1]​

Вопрос школьника по предмету Английский язык

    Listening. Task. Listen and choose between A, B, C or D. 

Transcript for term 4 

Have you ever thought how strange fashion is? People tell us what clothes to wear. That’s weird. Fashion stores tell us what is “in” this summer or this winter. People then buy the same clothes and look like everyone else because they want to feel trendy. The thing is, fashion is about being an individual, but then we all wear clothes that are the same as everyone else’s! Keeping up with fashion is expensive these days. Everyone is into brand fashion. Have you seen how much the most fashionable sneakers are? How can kids afford those? The craziest fashion is the luxury brands. People spend a month’s salary, or more, on a handbag or watch. That’s crazy. I’m happy with an unknown brand at half the price. I don’t mind being unfashionable.

Example: 0.What places tell us what is ‘in’ and ‘out’ this summer? 

A)shops     B)newspapers         C)magazines         D)TV

    1. According to the speaker fashion is 

A) silly         B) strange         C) fantastic         D) boring         [1] 

    2. According to the speaker who tells us about fashion. 

A) sportsmen     B) government         C) celebrities         D) people         [1]​

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