Jane 1).has worked (work)in a shop since 1989.She 2) …………….(not like) her job because she 3)………….(not earn)enough money. Yesterday,she 4)………….(have)an interview to another job in a bank. The interview 5)…………(go)well and she 6)………….(wait)for their answer at the moment.She hopes she 7)……………
(get)the job.
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Вопрос школьника по предмету Английский язык

Jane 1).has worked (work)in a shop since 1989.She 2) …………….(not like) her job because she 3)………….(not earn)enough money. Yesterday,she 4)………….(have)an interview to another job in a bank. The interview 5)…………(go)well and she 6)………….(wait)for their answer at the moment.She hopes she 7)……………
(get)the job.
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Ответ учителя по предмету Английский язык

She 2) doesn’t like her job because she 3) doesn’t earn enough money. Yesterday, she 4) had an interview to another job in a bank. The interview 5) went well and she 6) is waiting for their answer at the moment. She hopes she 7) will get the job.

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