IV.Choose the correct variant: 1.Mother has ….. a new dress a)met, b)bought, c)buy. 2.Children have just…. to school a)come, b)go, c)came 3.I haven’t ……this film yet. a)seen, b)see, c)saw. 4.We have already ….. an English test. a)write, b)wrote, c)written 5.Have you already ….your mother at the bus station? a)do, b)met, c)meet.

Вопрос школьника по предмету Английский язык

IV.Choose the correct variant:
1.Mother has ….. a new dress
a)met, b)bought, c)buy.
2.Children have just…. to school
a)come, b)go, c)came
3.I haven’t ……this film yet.
a)seen, b)see, c)saw.
4.We have already ….. an English test.
a)write, b)wrote, c)written
5.Have you already ….your mother at the bus station?
a)do, b)met, c)meet.

Ответ учителя по предмету Английский язык

Ответ: 1. B


3. A



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