III. Выберите глаголы, которые не могут употребляться в Continuous:
Know, swim, prefer, believe, read, like, jog, include, see, watch

IV. Заполните пропуски, используя / was, were/ is, am, are+Ving.И переведите предложения.
1) When I came home yesterday my brother ______________(watch) sports competitions on TV.
2).Look! What ______ the burglar______ (do) on the roof now?
3) They ______________(not have) their training sessions last week.
4) When I came home yesterday my brother ______________(watch) sports competitions on TV.
5).What book_____you______ (read) at the moment?
6) They _____ _________(not leave) St.Petersburg at 2 pm tomorrow.
7) The offender ___ _____(shout) something, when we entered the bar.

Ответ учителя по предмету Английский язык

 знаю только первое задание: know, like, see

 а во втором, первое — was watching

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