II. Вставьте вместо точек нужную форму глагола в Past Simple. 1. I … a bad headache and cold in the evening (to feel). 2. My mother … in a doctor (to call). 3. The dentist … my tooth painlessly (to extract). 4. The child … a high temperature, dry cough and running nose (to have). 5. The nurse … the first aid to an injured woman (to give). 6. The doctor … medicine and gave us a prescription (to prescribe). 7. The dentist … our teeth (to examine). 8. The patient … his mouth and … his tongue (to open, to show)​

Вопрос школьника по предмету Английский язык

II. Вставьте вместо точек нужную форму глагола в Past Simple.

1. I … a bad headache and cold in the evening (to feel). 2. My mother … in a doctor (to call). 3. The dentist … my tooth painlessly (to extract). 4. The child … a high temperature, dry cough and running nose (to have). 5. The nurse … the first aid to an injured woman (to give). 6. The doctor … medicine and gave us a prescription (to prescribe). 7. The dentist … our teeth (to examine). 8. The patient … his mouth and … his tongue (to open, to show)​

Ответ учителя по предмету Английский язык

Ответ:1) felt 2)called 3)extracted 4)had 5)gave 6)prescribed 7)examined 8)opened, showed

Объяснение:отметь, как лучшее, пожалуйста)

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