Grammar. Sentences with ‘just’
Fill in the gaps with’just’ and the correct form of the verbs:

1. Oh! I
my mum’s vase. (break)

2. She
me. (phone)

3. I
her about this situation. (tell)

Вопрос школьника по предмету Английский язык

Grammar. Sentences with ‘just’
Fill in the gaps with’just’ and the correct form of the verbs:

1. Oh! I
my mum’s vase. (break)

2. She
me. (phone)

3. I
her about this situation. (tell)

Ответ учителя по предмету Английский язык

1. Oh! I have just broken my mum’s vase.
2. She has just phoned me
3. I have just told her about this situation.

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