Grammar. Past Simple or Present Perfect
Use the correct form of the verbs. Present Perfect or Past Simple. Write the verb form.

1. I
Thai food. (try)

2. My brother
a camera from a friend last week. (borrow)

3. I
my bag. (not pack)

Вопрос школьника по предмету Английский язык

Grammar. Past Simple or Present Perfect
Use the correct form of the verbs. Present Perfect or Past Simple. Write the verb form.

1. I
Thai food. (try)

2. My brother
a camera from a friend last week. (borrow)

3. I
my bag. (not pack)

Ответ учителя по предмету Английский язык

i have tried thai food

my brother borrowed 
a camera from a friend last week
i have not packed my bag

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