Frank was in a good mood when he woke up this morning. He showered, shaved, got dressed for work, and ate breakfast. When he opened his front door to go to work, he was surprised. His car was on concrete blocks and all four tires were missing. A neighbor saw his car and came out to talk to him. Frank asked his neighbor if he saw anything suspicious. The neighbor said no. Frank went back into the house and called the police. They sent an officer to take a report and investigate the crime. Frank’s neighbor gave him a ride to work . True or False 1. ________ Frank woke up happy. 2. ________ Police officers investigate crimes. 3. ________ All of the tires on the car were stolen. 4. ________ Frank’s neighbor is helpful. 5. ________ Frank took the day off from work

Вопрос школьника по предмету Английский язык

Frank was in a good mood when he woke up this morning. He showered, shaved,
got dressed for work, and ate breakfast. When he opened his front door to go to work, he
was surprised. His car was on concrete blocks and all four tires were missing. A
neighbor saw his car and came out to talk to him. Frank asked his neighbor if he saw
anything suspicious. The neighbor said no. Frank went back into the house and called
the police. They sent an officer to take a report and investigate the crime. Frank’s
neighbor gave him a ride to work

. True or False
1. ________ Frank woke up happy.
2. ________ Police officers investigate crimes.
3. ________ All of the tires on the car were stolen.
4. ________ Frank’s neighbor is helpful.
5. ________ Frank took the day off from work

Ответ учителя по предмету Английский язык

1 True

2 True

3 False

4. True

5 False

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