Fill in the gaps with the correct future forms of the verbs in brackets.
My bedroom is a mess! I ________________ (tidy) it up.
I promise I __________________ (look) after my baby sister.
She thinks Lynn ___________________ (not/give) her a present for her birthday.
__________________________ (we/have) dinner with Uma tonight?
Look! The blind man ____________________ (trip) over that box on the pavement.

Ответ учителя по предмету Английский язык

My bedroom is a mess! I am going to (tidy) it up.
I promise I wil (look) after my baby sister.
She thinks Lynn will (not/give) her a present for her birthday.
Shall (we/have) dinner with Uma tonight?
Look! The blind man is going to (trip) over that box on the pavement.

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