Fill in the gaps with the correct derivatives of the given words.1. Larry was an amatsinger until age of 46 when he turned (profession).2 A presidend is more ( power) than a prime minister.3 (Home) people don’t have houses or flats.4 l am ( nerve) about driving again after the accident.5 Mona is Mr Smith’s (person) secretary.6 Floods and earthguakes are ( nature) disasters.7 He seems to have an (end) supply of money.8 (Cheer) people are happy and positive.​Ответьте пожалуйста. Срочно!

Вопрос школьника по предмету Английский язык

Fill in the gaps with the correct derivatives of the given words.
1. Larry was an amatsinger until age of 46 when he turned (profession).
2 A presidend is more ( power) than a prime minister.
3 (Home) people don’t have houses or flats.
4 l am ( nerve) about driving again after the accident.
5 Mona is Mr Smith’s (person) secretary.
6 Floods and earthguakes are ( nature) disasters.
7 He seems to have an (end) supply of money.
8 (Cheer) people are happy and positive.​
Ответьте пожалуйста. Срочно!

Ответ учителя по предмету Английский язык


1. professional (не уверен).

2. powerful.

3. Homeless.

4. nervous.

5. personal.

6. natural.

7. endless.

8. Cheerful.

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