Fill in the gaps with suitable words.
1) In some countries s….. school is also known as high school
2) Some private schools in the UK are calles p….. schools.
3) Most peaople in Britan g….. form university in their early 20s
4) Arithmetic and geometry are studied in m…..
5) Children learn to read and write at p…… school.
6) When you complete your university studies you get a d….
7) I only just p….. the physics test. I will have to study harder next time
8) did you do w… the last maths test?

Вопрос школьника по предмету Английский язык

Fill in the gaps with suitable words.
1) In some countries s….. school is also known as high school
2) Some private schools in the UK are calles p….. schools.
3) Most peaople in Britan g….. form university in their early 20s
4) Arithmetic and geometry are studied in m…..
5) Children learn to read and write at p…… school.
6) When you complete your university studies you get a d….
7) I only just p….. the physics test. I will have to study harder next time
8) did you do w… the last maths test?

Ответ учителя по предмету Английский язык

1 secondary

2 public

3 graduate

4 mathematics

5 primary

6 degree

7 have just passed

8 well

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