Fill in the gaps with so or such 1. Tanya is __ funny! 2. Please, don’t smoke __ much! It smells awful. 3. Robert has __ much money. He can buy ice-scream every day. 4. She likes listening to __ music. It makes her feel relaxed. 5. The film was __ good that I saw it five times. 6. We never discuss __ topics in class. 7. She had never seen __ high mountains before that. 8. Taras is __ a clown! He always tells funny stories. 9. How could I say __ horrible things to you? I am sorry. 10. That new song is __ cool.

Вопрос школьника по предмету Английский язык

Fill in the gaps with so or such
1. Tanya is __ funny!
2. Please, don’t smoke __ much! It smells awful.
3. Robert has __ much money. He can buy ice-scream every day.
4. She likes listening to __ music. It makes her feel relaxed.
5. The film was __ good that I saw it five times.
6. We never discuss __ topics in class.
7. She had never seen __ high mountains before that.
8. Taras is __ a clown! He always tells funny stories.
9. How could I say __ horrible things to you? I am sorry.
10. That new song is __ cool.

Ответ учителя по предмету Английский язык

1. So

2. So

3. So

4. Such

5. So

6. Such

7. Such


9. Such

10. So

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