Fill in: become, function, dream, control, connect, develop. 1.The surgeons will … wires from the man’s nerves to an artificial arm so he can touch and even feel. 2. Scientists hope that in the future they will … artificial limbs that will … just like real ones. 3. Some people … of becoming cyborgs. 4. A microchip in the brain will ….. his two robotic arms. 5. Will the idea of a cybernetic man ever … a reality?

Вопрос школьника по предмету Английский язык

Fill in: become, function, dream, control, connect, develop.
1.The surgeons will … wires from the man’s nerves to an artificial arm so he can touch and even feel.
2. Scientists hope that in the future they will … artificial limbs that will … just like real ones.
3. Some people … of becoming cyborgs.
4. A microchip in the brain will ….. his two robotic arms.
5. Will the idea of a cybernetic man ever … a reality?

Ответ учителя по предмету Английский язык


1. function





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