Ex. 7. Find appropriate English equivalent to Russian words and word combinations. 1. сдавать экзамен a) to fail an exam b) to pass an exam c) to get an exam 2. зубрить a) to drill b) to scram c) to cheat 3. плата за обучение a) curriculum b) tuition fee c) loan 4. заочный a) intra-mural b) extra-mural c) evening 5. конспект a) an assignment b) a course-paper c) a synopsis 6. посещать лекции a) to attend lectures b) to miss lectures c) to read lectures

Вопрос школьника по предмету Английский язык

Ex. 7. Find appropriate English equivalent to Russian words and word combinations.
1. сдавать экзамен
a) to fail an exam b) to pass an exam c) to get an exam
2. зубрить
a) to drill b) to scram c) to cheat
3. плата за обучение
a) curriculum b) tuition fee c) loan
4. заочный
a) intra-mural b) extra-mural c) evening
5. конспект
a) an assignment b) a course-paper c) a synopsis
6. посещать лекции
a) to attend lectures b) to miss lectures c) to read lectures

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