Ex. 7. Змініть час дієслів на Present Perfect. Перекладіть речення українською мовою: (усно) 1. She is watering the flowers. 2. He is taking his examination. 3. Beth is opening the window. 4. I am dusting the furniture. 5. John is washing his car. 6. The teacher is explaining the rule. 7. Mary is reading a letter. 8. We are having dinner. 9. I am cleaning my teeth. 10. Jane is translating the article. 11. Little Frank is breaking his toy. 12. He is having breakfast. 13. Nick is drawing a picture. 14. My daughter is having lunch. 15. He is putting on his coat.

Вопрос школьника по предмету Английский язык

Ex. 7. Змініть час дієслів на Present Perfect. Перекладіть речення українською мовою: (усно)

1. She is watering the flowers.
2. He is taking his examination.
3. Beth is opening the window.
4. I am dusting the furniture.
5. John is washing his car.
6. The teacher is explaining the rule.
7. Mary is reading a letter.
8. We are having dinner.
9. I am cleaning my teeth.
10. Jane is translating the article.
11. Little Frank is breaking his toy.
12. He is having breakfast.
13. Nick is drawing a picture.
14. My daughter is having lunch.
15. He is putting on his coat.

Ответ учителя по предмету Английский язык

1. She has watered the flowers

2. He has taken his examination

3. Beth has opened the window

4. I have dusted the furniture

5. John has washed his car

6. The teacher has explained the rule

7. Mary has read the letter

8. We have had the dinner

9. I have cleaned my teeth

10. Jane has translated the article

11. Little Frank has broken his toy

12. He has had breakfast

13. Nick has drown a picture

14. My daughter has had lunch

15. He has put on his coat

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